Thursday, 3 July 2008

Two muppets on motorbikes

Right, I will be away for a while travelling. I am embarking on a four-week pan-European trek covering six countries over 4 weeks. Three years in the planning, I am doing this on a motorbike with my best mate Adam. You can track my progress here on my adventure website which was very kindly put together for me by James Mills and involves my mates scanning in the postcards I send them from various destinations (Thanks Ali!) This trip marks the end of my employment at FPP and I would just like to say at this point thanks to all the guys there, I had a brilliant time and I will definately keep in touch. Upon my return I will be making the big move to London for a new opportunity at AKQA which I am very excited about. So, if you want follow me here and I will be back posting at the end of the month!

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