Thursday 3 January 2008

DuPont - The miracles of web?

DuPont have once again proved to be ontop of their game when they launched their new site DuPont & Food. This joins their list of clever sites which use some of the latest web technology.

First came their DuPont in Energy website which boasted a futuristic fully 3D island which you could explore to find out their latest developments in the energy sector, then came their DuPont Living Tomorrow website which allowed users to explore a 3D futuristic house showing off all their 'home' based products and technology. Previously to DuPont & Food they released DuPont in Transportation which has to date one several awards including an FWA & Dope award.

All these sites beautifully integrate 3D and Flash making the user experience feel involving and with remarkably short loading times considering the heavy content.

Anyway, Enjoy

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